THIRD TRIMESTER November 30, 2015 Jessica Almanza I have roughly 9 weeks left... 9 WEEKS! I am SO OVER being pregnant. DAY 15- It's Thanksgiving Day and laying on the floor after eating our delicious dinner felt so good. This year has been one for the books, Nicholas and I found out we were pregnant, moved in together and got married. If there is just one thing I'm thankful for this year it's having Nicholas in my life. He's an incredible partner, who loves and supports me as well as puts up with my constant bitching about being pregnant. This year will be nearly impossible to beat, but I'm up for the challenge. DAY 16- Our Christmas tree is up, starting to wrap a few gifts. DAY 17- Sebastian's room is ALMOST done. Our rocking chair should be here sometime in December. DAY 18- Husband and belly. DAY 18- Lady and belly. DAY 19- I bought a few pieces of furniture this weekend, curious to find out what our house will actually look like once Sebastian is here.