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This is Halloween, this is Halloween, Halloween, Halloween, Halloween, Halloween
In this town we call home,
Everyone hail to the pumpkin song

It’s no secret Halloween is a HUGE deal at Casa Almanza. Days before Oct. 1, we start to get the spooky vibes. Several viewings of “Nightmare Before Christmas” or “Hocus-Hocus” (what Gigi calls Hocus Pocus) occur daily. The dinosaur roars seem to get louder, the costumes start peeking out of closets and certain family members begin scaring others more often, which is annoying but all part of the fun. And, when that glorious day hits…whoo boy! A whole month of frights and delights. Of treats, tricks and decoration. We grew our very own pumpkin patch with our very own Pumpkin King. We savored pan dulce and built gingerbread haunted houses. We had several costume changes. And we did our traditional family portraits. We don’t always 100 percent agree on everything, but all five of us at Casa Almanza are absolutely crazy about Halloween!

In this town, don't we love it now,
Everybody's waiting for the next surprise