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If you listen closely, you can hear the soft piano, the scratchy-record in the faint background and the melody light as snow — Christmas time is here! Happiness and cheer. Fun for all the children that call their favorite time of year…

Sebastian and Gigi are starting to embrace the joy of the season, the magic of the holidays. We have conversations about our list to Santa daily. We sing carols and songs and the requests for “Hocus Hocus” and “This is Halloween” are now requests for “Alien Christmas” and “Elfs Movie.” This is the fun part, the part when the children start to get really, really excited about the holidays and decorating and cookies and cheer. We love having opportunities to shoot family holiday portraits, but they are a ton of work and herding and tantrum calming and snack preparing. But it’s worth it to see the smiles.

Our holidays this year will be different. We will be home. We likely will be apart from family members who love us. And that’s OK, because we need to keep others in mind. It is a true act of service right now to stay home, to continue practicing social distancing, to wear masks while out. Keep communities in Houston, El Paso, Las Cruces and everywhere hit hard by this pandemic in mind. Sure, it’s difficult. It’s a ton of work. But there will be smiles at the end, and it will be worth it.

Oh, that we could always see
Such spirit through the year.